Wednesday, March 16, 2011

MN Gophers Legendary Coach Murray Warmath Passed Away

It is a sad day in Gopher nation as one of the best coaches in the 100+ year history of Gopher Football passed away today at around 9:30 PM. Warmath was 98 years old at the time of his passing. He was the last Gophers coach to take the team to the Rose Bowl in 1962. The team has been mired in mediocrity ever since, casting a shadow over a once proud program. Warmath stayed active and interested in the Gophers program until the time of his passing.

Thank you for everything coach, may you rest in peace and never be forgotten.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

NBA Referee Suing AP writer

Veteran NBA Referee Bill Spooner reportedly made a comment to T-Wolves Coach Kurt Rambis about a make-up call during a game January 24th between the puppies and Rockets. AP sports writer John Krawczynski apparently having media court side seats overheard the exchange. Krawczynski referenced this in a tweet and is now being sued by the referee.

A couple of thoughts on this, first of all Mr. Spooner you need to sack up. If you didn't say it or more importantly didn't take any action that could be construed as a make up call then you would have nothing to worry about. Secondly if you did say it then you are accountable, not that the NBA would act because well.....their legitmacy is....

I follow Mr. Krawczynskis tweets and from what I have seen he conducts himself well and unlike some doesn't just throw things at the wall to see what sticks.....I believe the tweet! Sack up Mr. Spooner!

Last item regarding this is that another NBA writer who shall remain nameless (I'll never tell Mr. Aschburner) cried in a tweet of his own stating that the remaining media would be victims in this dispute and would lose their court side seats. How sad!! Then responding to a tweet sarcastically labeling the media as victims, the nameless reporter stated he meant that not only the media but the fans would be the true victims, that they sit in those seats for the fans that can' t afford them! LOL!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

MN Vikings Stadium Debate NOT Urban vs. Rural

Recent media coverage of the stadium debate in Minnesota has focused on trying to portray it as rural vs. urban, this is not or should not be the case. The MINNESOTA Vikings are a state asset regardless of where they are located within the state. Obviously it makes sense for them to be located in/near a population center. Given that, yes it makes it more convenient for those close to that location to go to games. It does NOT however preclude outstate residents or for that matter residents from neighboring or even distant states from attending. Through Twitter in fact I have personally seen numerous tweets from other states and even Canada in support of the Vikings remaining in Minnesota so that they can visit and go to games. Those people would spend money benefiting Minnesota. They would also depending on what/where they spend and the nature of the funding mechanism pay to support the new stadium without even being state residents. These people are willing and eager to do so if it keeps the Vikings where they belong. The majority of Vikings fans have never even physically attended a Vikings game. This does not make them less a fan or less eager to have them remain in their home state regardless of what city/town they call home.

In many ways outstate residents due to a lack of options and/or activities during late fall and early winter get more of a benefit from the Vikings on TV than those of us in the metro and if you go out to enjoy these games it not only supports the Vikings but your local economy as well.

Trying to create panic or dictate to people how they should feel about any issue because of where they live or for that matter based on any single characteristic other than their own personal beliefs is irresponsible and unethical journalism. There has been no funding mechanism even presented to date and most of the sentiment is leaning towards user fees, racino, or localized taxes. None of these would affect outstate residents unless they chose to go or support the Vikings. As to the 1 woman at a gas station in Roseau dictating to her representative how to vote on any potential legislation, there are numerous problems with this. First you can express to an official your opinion/desire and yes if not happy can vote for their opponent in the next election. However you are 1 person in that district and that representative should be listening to the majority in the district and/or doing what is best for the district and state as a whole based on the end result not on media speculation. Second basing your opinion on speculation and not being educated about an issue before making a determination is being an irresponsible citizen. Learn the facts, benefits, & drawbacks to an issue before going off the deep end. Third you are 1 of 5 million plus citizens & it is not always solely based on 1 persons wants but what is best for the state as a whole. Also the majority of the population is in the metro and would pay the lions share regardless of funding mechanism. Your contribution would be negligible at best.

How would those outstate people feel if we in the Cities "told" our legislators they better never vote for an issue benefiting outstate Minnesota, being as we would be paying more for it than those outstate residents would and they get to receive the rewards. Probably wouldn't like that now would you. Then again that's not how government should work, it should be what is best for the state and its citizens. Otherwise as a single person I could just decide to opt out of any of my taxes going to support your schools and children. Again that would be irrational and uneducated because it would have a negative overall effect on the state. Get educated and learn all the facts, if after learning all the FACTS you still oppose this issue I respect that and would disagree but that would be effective democracy.